Wednesday, May 13, 2009
2009: The year of the garden
I have decided that 2009 is obviously the year of the garden because everyone I've talked to has either planted one or is somewhere in the process. My sister, my husband and I have decided to join the crowd and have a garden, too. I really wanted to have a lasagna garden but I was overruled, for a good reason.
My father had a garden in the same spot before he passed away over a decade ago and then my sister gardened there when she wasn't too busy with work. I must admit it is the perfect place because it comes with a water supply and great soil left over from the years my dad toiled over it.
Actually it was a delight to him so we were determined to find the same delight he had as we began our task and I believe we all feel a sense of carrying on the tradition he started.
We gathered all our tools and purchased the seeds and plants. I had to have a new garden hat and found the perfect one with a handy, adjustable chin strap.
We began with our herb garden beds because you need those for the great summer vegetables we intend to cook. We included rosemary, mint, thyme, stevia, basil, chives, sage, catnip and then planted a row of leeks behind each bed. We dug out the beds and replaced it with potting soil, peat moss and some natural fertilizer.
Then we added the plants and watered from the nearby lake and voila! We have a garden AND have continued a legacy.
Next ... planting the main garden.
Beautiful! I can't wait to see how your garden grows!