My good friend and colleague, Angela, surprised me with this card deck a number of days ago and I have already found a number of things I really like about it.
First I love being able to read little snippets of information and if I leave it sitting around, say next to my salt and pepper on the table, I can open it up and read the front card, put it behind the others and go to the next card when I have a few moments.
Second, I really am interested in herbs and their uses, both to tickle my palate and as herbal remedies for better health. I think herbs are useful for so many things. I especially love knowing I can just go out to my herb garden and gather something I grew myself to add flavor to dishes I whip up, and this set of cards has some very interesting recipes I would like to try.
Third, the things I am reading give me so much information to use now and for the future. There is information about the herbs I have now in my garden, herbs I hope to have in the future, plus other uses.
In fact, I think in addition to a few new cooking herbs, I plan to begin adding healing herbs to my garden next year. I need to look for several books I have that can help me learn more about healing herbs. I know my books aren't nice and colorful like my new card deck but they will help. Please leave me a comment if you have a book on herbs or tip on herbs you would like to recommend to me.
I'm so glad you're enjoying this and look forward to hearing more about what you learn!