Last week I was invited to tag along at an estate sale and I decided to share my finds.

I found these six beautiful handkerchiefs. Some were embroidered, with crocheted edges. I can use them to catch a sneeze in style or wrap a small gift. I always had handkerchiefs growing up and it is a great way to save on tissues. These heirlooms -- $1 each.

A small porcelain lidded dish. The price -- $1.

Eight mint green napkins. I save so much on paper products since I began using cloth napkins. I pick them up everywhere. The price for this set of eight -- $3.

Tatted lace -- $1. I don't know how I will use it but it will make a beautiful edging.

And finally a basket -- $1. It is a perfect size for gathering vegetables, storing magazines or filling with a gift.
Everything needs to be cleaned but I think they are great finds.
I meant to ask you what the green package was and had assumed it was a tablecloth. Napkins! Good for you!