Friday, November 5, 2010
A purple present
Yesterday we had my sister's birthday party. When she arrived presented ME with this beautiful potted plant she put together herself. She does have a green thumb. It's no wonder that I enjoy gardening with her because she just has the knack for this kind of thing.
The photo is not very good so I will tell you there are three plants in this pretty pot, a purple violet, purple passion and purple waffle. I really like her choice of plants because they really compliment each other. The colors and textures are very nice. I really love the purple passion because the leaves are covered with a bright purple fuzz. I have always loved violets, too. It reminds me of my grandmother who always had some really beautiful ones.
My sis also brought me a tile to sit under the plant and suggested I purchase some large beads to glue on for legs. I think this is a great idea and will help protect my table from water damage. She also told me I need to be sure to water from the bottom because watering from the top of the pot can cause these plants to rot or mold. The plants will absorb the water they need from the tray at the bottom. The plants are sitting under my skylights so they should get plenty of indirect sunlight.
Thank you sis. I really love my plants and hope I will take care of them as well as you would.
What gorgeous plants! I love violets too and it's surprising how well they do, if you just remember to water from the bottom. Hope your sister had a great birthday and thanks for sharing the photos. Here's wishing you & your family a wonderful weekend, Joanie