Wednesday, June 15, 2011
A few garden views
This week I haven't been able to go to the garden at all so my sister sent me these very nice photos via cell phone. I will admit that I have been a bit worried about the garden since we haven't had enough rain and the temperatures have been higher than normal.
Our pole beans are doing well and our bok choy has gone to seed. That is good since we planted this from seed from last year. It's so nice to be able to grow some of our own seeds. We will try to do this with our tomatoes this year and will hope it works as well.
These tomatoes are from our Jubilee tomato plants and I am really surprised because the last time I was in the garden we only had blooms. These will be nice and yellow -- a variety we haven't tried.
My sister does have help when I'm not there. Two of her helpers are Tia, at left and Todd, right. Their help is mostly of the "keeping her company" variety. They are very good for that but I don't think they work overly hard in the garden. I do think Todd has helped out by chasing away geese.
This is another look at the corn and some of the squash. My sister has done a great job keeping the garden watered and debugged while I was away. Thanks sis. I love you!
Love these photos! Tia & Todd are so cute and look like great helpers. I enjoy hearing about your garden, Joanie