I have been working on a deadline for Newnan-Coweta Magazine, plus getting ready for Christmas visitors, so I am a little behind on blog posts but I just had to share a new recipe for Mac and Cheese.
I have been itching to use my new crock pot I purchased at an after-Thanksgiving sale so I chose to make this crock pot recipe for my Christmas office party. I knew I needed to make something really easy and I didn't want to get up and prepare something that morning. I just mixed it up in my crock, put it in the refrigerator, then placed it in the bottom, cooker-part of the crock pot that morning. The casserole cooked under my desk while I worked all morning.
By noon, I had this delicious, bubbling, freshly cooked, old fashioned mac and cheese. I plan to also make it for a Christmas dinner, too because it was probably the best mac and cheese I have ever made. This is not a low fat version. Hopefully, I will come up with something healthier -- but for now, here is the real deal. I don't like to use Velveeta or soup because I don't think that even less healthy than this recipe. This is for a large crock pot. If you have a smaller one, just half the recipe.
Crock Pot Mac and Cheese
1 16 oz. package of macaroni noodles, cooked
6 cups grated, sharp cheddar cheese
3 1/4 cups whole milk
1 stick butter
4 eggs, beaten
salt and pepper to taste
Cook noodles in salted water. Drain. Spray crock pot with cooking spray. Pour noodles into crock while hot and allow butter to melt in noodles (or melt butter and pour over noodles). Beat eggs and milk together and pour over noodles. Add cheese and mix. Salt and pepper. I used about 1/4 teaspoon of salt and dashed it with pepper.
Put crock into bottom of crock pot and cook on low for 3 to 4 hours or until done. It will get brown around the edges. Turn down to the "keep warm" setting until time to serve.
Wow, I am so behind on my blog reading! After getting to eat your mac 'n cheese that day, I am very happy to get the yummy recipe!