Sunday afternoon, I went to my garden to see if I could find anything I could still use. I thought everything would be frozen. Unbelievably, I still have some lettuce, kale, peas and collards. They don't look as good as they did in late November, but still impressive. The
broccoli and cauliflower is still green and pretty but not growing past the leaf stage. It looks like it is possible to get a few root vegetables -- turnips, carrots and parsnips -- but I think it will depend on the weather. If we have very many hard freezes I think we will be done. If we have snow and sleet I am sure we will be done. Picking was more of a challenge because it was really cold.
But, isn't that just really incredible that I can be getting things out of my garden this late in the season? I guess only in middle Georgia. If I lived in Florida, or even south Georgia, I probably could grow lettuce and greens year round.
I would do many things differently, but I think a winter garden is really worth it.
I am so impressed with what you've been able to gather out of your garden this year!