Friday, March 23, 2012

Garden Club Reminder

Just a reminder that Monday is the big day for our next Crossroads Garden Club Meeting! The time is 7:00 pm and the place is 3072 Hwy 154, Newnan, Ga. We are meeting in an old barn building that was once a craft store.

Our guest speaker will be Charlotte Nelson. She was featured in last year's gardening section of Newnan-Coweta Magazine. I have been to her straw bale garden and have witnessed her many gardening talents. She is also a club member and we are so happy to welcome her as our guest speaker. Even though our garden is a little more traditional, I think the straw bale garden is one I hope to use in the future, perhaps with my squash if I continue to have problems with vine borers!

Charlotte is a delightful speaker and I am really looking forward to this event.


  1. This sounds like it's going to be a great meeting. I remember reading this article and was impressed with the concept. I look forward to hearing more about it, Joanie

  2. I can't wait! See you tonight! (If not before ...)
